Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Brinkley Harper Isn't Feeling Herself Today.

Jump Book Review
So I started reading Jump by Ginger Rue last night and I couldn't put it down!! I ended up finishing around midnight last night! That's how good it was! "Jump into this fun, freaky, fast-paced story about a self-absorbed teen who finds out what it's like to literally become someone else - over and over again!" That's what author of the Dead Girl series, Linda Joy Singleton said about the book! And it's totally awesome and I've never read a book like this ever! It's about a girl, Brinkley Harper, who woke up in another person's body. It's about a rich girl who woke up in many other people's body and live their life just for one day. The book was really fast paced, there wasn't any slow or boing parts throughout the book which I liked. Ginger put all of the problems that many teens would have in their life, she didn't just focused on the rich and skinny, popular girl. She focused on those that were "outcast" or "fat" and a few others. To me this also had magical feeling to it as well. I mean waking up in another person's body? that doesn't happen everyday and so it's kinda like one of those "witch" book but there's no witches in this book at all, it just had that magical feeling to it. Ginger Rue is a good author and I'll be on the lookout for any of her other books if she does write more! so if I were you, I'd go out and buy this book or check it out from the local library! 


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